Chrome - This page isn't working

Sometimes when trying to access your favourite website, Chrome may respond with "This page isn't working, if the problem continues please contact the site owner. HTTP error 400".  Therefore making it impossible to access the desired site from within Chrome's normal mode.

I was experiencing this problem while trying to access (my favourite site :D) and kept getting this error. The clue to this problem is in the error code 404; HTTP error  400 means:
The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing). (source:

This basically can be summarised as "Bad Request", and it originates with some faults with how the request to the website is being crafted from your own system and not a problem with the destination/target website's server. Since this is basically a website access action and not an API call, the problem definitely has to be from local site data stored from your previous sessions. If you attempt to visit this same website on another browser or incognito mode of Chrome, it will work as expected.

To fix this, you need to clear cookie data for that specific site i.e. no need to clear all cookies, just the ones belonging to the very site you wish to visit.


  1. Click on Chrome's menu icon and click Settings.
  2. Click on Advanced at the bottom of the settings page, to view advanced settings.
  3. Scroll to "Privacy and Security" section, and click on "Content Settings".
  4. At the top of the content settings screen, click on Cookies.
  5. In the displayed screen, select "See all cookies and site data"
  6. Using the search bar, search for the website that you are having difficulties visiting.
  7. Remove cookies belonging to the site.
  8. Try visiting the site again, it should definitely work again.



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